Cifar10 Classifier

This is my attempt at classifying images in the cifar10 dataset. It’s based around 3inception modules.


ArchitectureAccuracy on test set
c2, c2, mp, c2,c2,mp,f,d,dxx
c2, ap, c2, ap, c2, ap, f, d, d, do64.28 %, 60.22 %
data-normalized, c2, ap, c2, ap, c2, ap, f, d, d, do65.83 %
data-normalized-gray, c2, ap, c2, ap, c2, ap, f, d, d, do62.91 %
inception-module62.82 % (stopped becuase of overfitting)
inception dense drop62.89 %
inception inception drop74.18 %
inceptionx3 dense drop77.61 %
nceptionx3 dense drop dense drop dense77.25 %
