To keep things easy this page will act as an index for all AI related resources.
External Resources
- Machine Learning Tutorials
- Machine Learning Getting Started Ideas
- Machine Learning Resources
- Top 100 Data Science Resources
- Learn Math Fast
- Deep Learning Performance with AutoAugment
- Augmenting computer vision datasets by generating new images based on existing data in the set
- Deep Reinforcement Learning Doesn’t Work Yet - February 14th, 2018
- Examples of why RL is hard to put into practice, the state of the industry, DeepRL
- The Evolution and Core Concepts of Deep Learning & Neural Networks - August 2016
- Good primer on NN
- AI at Google: our principles
- Google’s principles for AI development
- Understanding the backward pass through Batch Normalization Layer
- Good explanation of how the derivative of the Batch Normalization layer is computed
- A Beginner’s Guide to Recurrent Networks and LSTMs
- Good explanation of LSTMs and GRUs, plus an intuition of backpropagation through time
- Optimization techniques comparison in Julia: SGD, Momentum, Adagrad, Adadelta, Adam
- Short explanations and performance comparison for SGD, SGD with momentum, AdaGrad, AdaDelta and Adam optimizers
- googlenet in keras
- An implementation of GoogLeNet in Keras
- Learning Rate Schedules and Adaptive Learning Rate Methods for Deep Learning
- Compares different methods of adjusting the learning rate of a NN dynamically
- Building powerful image classification models using very little data
- Data augmentation in Keras; use VGG16 as a base for our image classifier
- Profiling Top Kagglers: Martin Henze (AKA Heads or Tails), World’s First Kernels Grandmaster
- The journey to becoming a Kaggle Kernel grandmaster, with lots of tips
- Machine learning mega-benchmark: GPU providers (part 2)
- Comparison of Cloud GPU compute providers
- Learning from humans: what is inverse reinforcement learning?
- Inverse reinforcement learning: given a policy or a set of data about an expert performing a task, try to extract a reward function
- Apprenticeship learning: given an expert policy, use it as a baseline from which to improve
- Retro Contest: Results
- Short presentation of the winners of a reinforcement learning contest (they attempted to generalize from previous knowledge)
- CNNs from different viewpoints
- Short post describing how to view CNNs as matrix multiplications or dense neural nets; informative
- 1(
- Using a binary mask to zero out many of the model’s weights leads to better accuracy
- 2(
- Introducing coordinates to convolution filters to give CNNs a way to model the coordinate transform task (increased performance in RL, Object detection)
Tutorials and Guides
- A Guide to TF Layers: Building a Convolutional Neural Network
- Introduction to CNN Keras - Acc 0.997 (top 8%)
- A guide to a small but powerful CNN with a 99.671% accuracy on MNIST; uses data augmentation techniques
- A Guide to TF Layers: Building a Convolutional Neural Network
- Tutorial about building CNNs in Tensorflow
- Tutorial: Optimizing Neural Networks using Keras (with Image recognition case study
- Widen your net, deepen your net, add dropout layers, change activation function, change network arhitecture
- A guide to convolution arithmetic for deep learning
- Which GPU(s) to Get for Deep Learning
- Basically aim for a GTX 1080/1080Ti if you can afford it, if not go for a GTX 1070
- TF Estimators
- Amongst other things you can convert Keras models to TF estimators
- Understanding and Coding Inception Module in Keras
- Generative Temporal Models with Spatial Memory for Partially Observed Environments
- Videos of the agent in action
- Generative Temporal Model with Spatial Memory, an action-conditioned generative model that uses a scalable non-parametric memory to store spatial and visual information; DND memory
- The agent learns an environment then can predict how the environment will look like after a number of time steps (hundreds) and moves
- Synthesizing Programs for Images using Reinforced Adversarial Learning
- Video of demonstration
- Using GANs to train a RL one a cluster of machines; the algorithm learns to understand the creation of and recreate images it sees (drawing the digits of the MNIST dataset, characters from the POLIGLOT dataset) and even reconstruct 3D scenes
- Backdrop: Stochastic Backpropagation
- Backdrop, a flexible and simple-to-implement method, intuitively described as dropout acting only along the backpropagation pipeline
- Efficient Estimation of Word Representations in Vector Space
- Study of the quality of vector representations of words derived by various models on a collection of syntactic and semantic language tasks
- Rethinking the Inception Architecture for Computer Vision
- Ideas for reducing computational complexity of CNNs, different Inception architectures
- Curiosity-driven Exploration bySelf-supervised Prediction
- RL with intrinsic curiosity reward manages to learn how to play Mario without extrinsic rewards, is able to generalize knowledge well; uses an Intrinsic Curiosity Module
- L2 Regularization versus Batch and Weight Normalization
- These neural networks use L2 regularization, also called weight decay, ostensibly to prevent overfitting. However, we show that L2 regularization has no regularizing effect when combined with normalization
- Understanding the difficulty of training deep feedforward neural networks
- Deep Residual Learning for Image Recognition
- ResNet architecture
- Wide Residual Networks
- Wide ResNet architecture
- Batch Normalization: Accelerating Deep Network Training by Reducing Internal Covariate Shift
- How Does Batch Normalization Help Optimization?
- An investigation into why Batch Normalization works. It is also compared to L losses. Apparently it works because it smoothens the optimization landscape; it doesn’t have a large impact on ICS.
- Verification Of Non Linear Specifications For Neural Networks
- Mathematical tools for proving the robustness of a model against adversarial attacks
- Going deeper with convolutions
- ImageNet Classification with Deep Convolutional Neural Networks
- Practical Recommendations for Gradient-Based Training of Deep Architectures
- CoupleNet: Paying Attention to Couples with Coupled Attention for Relationship Recommendation
- DARTS: Differentiable Architecture Search
- Learning Cognitive Models using Neural Networks
- Going deeper with convolutions
Courses and Books
- Coursera Machine Learning - taught by AndrewNG
- ML course, presents the mathematics and concepts behind supervised and unsupervised learning algorithms, and has a good introduction to neural networks
- Great primer into machine learning
- Udacity Deep Learning
- Tensorflow Deep Learning course
- Good course for introducing a number of advanced concepts, but I feel it doesn’t spend enough time on some of them
- Has a lot of good assignments in Tensorflow
- Udemy Zero to Deep Learning
- Keras Deep Learning course
- Good course with many interesting assigments; provides an intro to data preprocessing and augmentation as well
Existing work
Internal Resources
Learning ML
- Loss and Accuracy
- Debugging ML algorithms
- Neural Networks
- Types of Neural Networks
- Types of Machine Learning Problems
- Machine Learning Advice